Tag Archives: far north queensland

Cyclone Yasi – 365 days later

Tully Council Offices after Cyclone Yasi

Tully Council Offices after Cyclone Yasi

Today marks one year from the day Tropical Cyclone Yasi arrived so I thought I’d compile a list of Yasi related posts and tweets.

1. This is the first post about Yasi. It was written when we were still concerned about Cyclone Anthony.

2. Next was the first threat map for Yasi from the Fiji Met Service and an infra-red image from NOAA.

3. On the 31st of January the Australian Bureau of Meteorology issued their first threat/track map for Yasi. I added the latest maps as they became available.

4. The ABC published an article about cyclone preparation info as by now it was clear that Yasi was going to be a big one. This post also includes links to QLD Premier Anna Bligh and Deputy Police Commissioner Ian Stewart on YouTube.

5. Then came a list of useful links for cyclone information.

6. Scary headline much?

7. Somehow this blog shot up the Google index.

8. We got up at 5am and checked the BoM track map. We got a bit of a surprise.

9. ABC Breakfast’s Virginia Trioli asked if any viewers were in the path so I replied via Twitter. Silkwood got what was possibly its first ever mention on television:

Talking to Virginia Trioli on Twitter

Talking to Virginia Trioli on Twitter

10. Sitting and waiting in the council offices in Tully for Yasi to arrive.

11. I would have added the tweets from Tully but they no longer seem to be available.

12. In the eye of Cyclone Yasi.

13. I finally got to post some photos a few days later. As soon as it was light enough in the morning after Yasi had passed three of us hopped into a council ute and did the first damage assessment photo survey of Tully. I took nearly 250 images of damaged buildings and infrastructure in approximately 60% of Tully. These were in the hands of the authorities by about 9am.

14. One day later. Gathering thoughts.

15. This is what we came home to in Silkwood. And this.

16. Made contact with Queensland Premier Anna Bligh via Twitter:

Talking to Anna Bligh on Twitter

Talking to Anna Bligh on Twitter

17. 500 volunteers come to Silkwood to help with the clean-up.

18. Anna Bligh responds to volunteer effort via Twitter:

QLD Premier tweets about the Silkwood volunteers

QLD Premier tweets about the Silkwood volunteers

19. Lisa is so chuffed with the help from the volunteers that she makes a “thank you” sign.  For the next two weeks everyone passing seems to stop and take a photo.

20. An evacuation shelter at Tully that wasn’t up to the job.

21. The local council seems to be invisible and we need some industrial strength boys’ toys in Silkwood.  Brisbane responds promptly:

Could we have some heavy machinery?

Could we have some heavy machinery?

22. Queensland government starts to liase with David Hall, a Silkwood resident and organiser of the clean-up:

Wheels of government move quickly

Wheels of government move quickly

23. Tully’s famous Golden Gumboot, still standing after two massive cyclones.

24. It’s the 18th of February and things are starting to happen.

25. We used to live at Tully Heads before we moved to Silkwood in 2010. Here are some photos of what it used to look like.

26. Premier Anna Bligh keeps her promise and visits Silkwood for a coldie.

27. Things look a bit different now.

28. First signs of trees in recovery.

29. Prince William makes a flying visit to Cardwell and Tully.

30. We established QLD.so, a URL shortening service to raise awareness of the Premier’s Fund.

31. A massive turn out for the annual Tully Show.

32. Tully, six months after Yasi. Lots still needs to be done.

33. More progress on the house rebuild.

34. Er, that’s it. The house still leaks. The ceiling still bulges downwards. The expense goes on. SunCorp is still being very unhelpful. We have worked out the $15k from the Premier’s Fund will not cover the extra work that SunCorp aren’t paying for.

Last of all I’d like to thank all those people and organisations that have helped us in the last year. You know who you are. You made a big difference.

The garden zoo was busy today

I went outside and spotted a medium sized wallaby doing some lawn maintenance.

Garden Wallaby

Garden Wallaby

I grabbed the camera and was just about to click the shutter release when it was spooked by a noise from the forest.

Garden Cassowary

Garden Cassowary

Yet another cassowary in the garden. I’m going to miss these when we move back home.

Garden Cassowary

Garden Cassowary

Cassowary having a dog-like shake of the feathers.

Garden Cassowary

Garden Cassowary

And off. They don’t stay long because we don’t feed them. A fed cassowary is a dead cassowary.

Golden orb weaver spider

To give you some sense of scale this little lady is larger than my hand. Cute!

Golden Orb Weaver Spider

Golden Orb Weaver Spider

Golden Orb Weaver Spider

Golden Orb Weaver Spider

It’s probably a Nephila pilipes and also likely to be a juvenile female. You can read more about this baby on Wikipedia. There are nine male admirers sitting in her web and waiting for her to return. The males are probably 5% of the size of the female. Yes, they really are that small.

Flappity flap

Shade sail that suffered in last night's wind

Shade sail that suffered in this morning's wind


Shade sail that suffered in last night's wind

Shade sail that suffered in this morning's wind

We had the first storm of the wet season last night – two weeks early – and the shade sail at the renter decided to let go of one corner this morning. I can’t see this lasting long in a real blow.

A 6m x 6m sail blowing around in a strong wind isn’t the safest thing to be around.