Tag Archives: far north queensland

It’s so QLD, it’s QLD.so

Today we have launched a new Twitter URL shortener for Queensland: qld.so – Feel free to use it in place of your existing service.

There is a link to the Queensland Premier’s Disaster Fund on the page and if any one feels like sparing a quid or two to help out the many that have had their lives wrecked by our Summer Of Misery please feel free to do so.

If you’re in the same situation don’t worry about donating and just enjoy the service.

Have fun with it!

PS The background picture is Googarra Beach at Tully Heads/Hull Heads. It was pretty much destroyed by the storm surge during Cyclone Yasi.

Prince William visits Tully

Prince William has been visiting the sites of the natural disasters we’ve had down under in the last few months. He has been to Christchurch in New Zealand to meet the survivors and witness the damage caused by the recent earthquake and now he’s here to pay a visit to all the places in Queensland’s summer of misery. Here are a few images from today at Tully where he met people affected by Cyclone Yasi:


Grandstand view

Grandstand view

Premier Anna Bligh

Premier Anna Bligh

Prince William

Prince William

Apocalypse when?

Apocalypse when?

A very large and enthusiastic crowd was there to meet Prince William and it was just what people needed to lift their spirits. He even managed to stop the rain for the day and let us have some blue skies for the first time in ages.

Hurtling towards normality

A very big day today.

  • We now have potable water straight from the tap.
  • We have electricity restored.
  • The insurance assessor paid us a visit.

These three things will make a huge difference to us. We can do laundry (currently an Everest-sized pile). We can have hot showers again. We can start the proper clean-up inside now that the assessor has been. We can have cold drinks and store fresh food again. We can have fans to keep us cool and fight the humidity. No more boiling water before we drink it either. No more scrounging a charge for the netbook from the Silkwood Newsagent or the Silkwood Hotel. We have a proper Internet connection via our ISP which means I can read, reply and send email. So many other things too.

Water, food, shelter, power, the basics we all take for granted.