Author Archives: pete

250,000 kilometres


Honda Jazz odometer showing 250,000 km

Honda Jazz odometer

Our trusty Honda Jazz has just passed one quarter of a million kilometres*, as shown in the image above. It has taken 10 years 5 months to reach this far.

*For those still living in the past that’s 155,342 miles.

Queensland dredging

Tourist info board at Cairns

Tourist info board at Cairns

I’ve transcribed the text of the tourism information board below for mobile device users:

Three years later in 1922 a visiting writer recorded on his arrival at the Strand Hotel that,

The white beach invited our attention first and we strolled along it. It stretched like a band of pearl and saffron along the blue water’s rim, dotted with palm trees, giant fig trees, and flame trees just bursting into flower .

However, 14 years later in 1936 – after the dredge had been operating for 23 years – the editor of the Bendigo Advertiser observed at the foreshore at Cairns, “at low tide…the receding water leaves a rather unsightly mudflat…”

And Cairns’ “band of pearl and saffron” today looks like this:

cairns beach mudflats

Cairns’ “band of pearl and saffron”

Happy birthday, WWW

Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web:

“Anyone who slaps a ‘This page is best viewed with Browser X’ label on a Web page appears to be yearning for the bad old days, before the Web, when you had very little chance of reading a document written on another computer, another word processor, or another network.”