Tag Archives: Lodge

Weed clearance

You know you have serious problem with weed growth when you have to hire a Bobcat to clear them.

Clearing the mess behind the garage

Bobcat clearing weeds behind the house

Nine cubic metre skip

Nine cubic metre skip

And this is confirmed when you find enough timber to make a small bridge and three cubic metres of river rocks under the weeds.

I've got wood

I've got wood

River rocks

River rocks

Enough space reclaimed to squeeze in a tennis court, not that a tennis court will be appearing there.

Cleared land

A bit of reclaimed space

Yes, we have no bananas


Yes, we have no bananas


Yes, we have no bananas

The banana inspector drove past and popped in for a visit. It seems we have some kind of infection. Result: bananas cut down and killed off with Roundup in case we infect nearby plantations.